Why Uprise Nutrition
Empty Promises, Gimmick Marketing, & Useless Ingredients have been the norm. Until now.

Products created for profit. Not results
Profit driven production budgets causing low value formulations & inflated markups. Many times 6 to 12 times actual cost.
Value > Price
Many times you're paying for ineffective formulations, cheap ingredients, un-tested gimmicks,
Science-backed formulations, simple effective ingredients
Many companies use weak doses of un-tested or ineffective ingredients. Extra crap is put into the formulation to inflate the perceived value and therefore making the product appear to be more robust. Many of those same ingredients are a complete gimmick.
This smoke & mirrors game can be found in even the most popular brands that provide competitive prices that contain absolute trash ingredients!
Uprise Nutrition
Safe, Reliable, Results Driven Performance.
All these shady supplement companies don’t want you to realize a simple truth:
“We believe in developing a proper nutritional road map with an intelligent training regimen that is goal specific. Supplements are just that. Supplemental to reach such goals.”

That said, there are safe, natural substances that have been scientifically proven to boost strength, muscle endurance and growth, fat loss, general health and well-being, and more.
And that’s all you’ll find in our products.
Specifically, we have a simple standard that we live by:
Every ingredient we use must be backed by published scientific research that demonstrates clear benefits.
Furthermore, we will only use ingredients that we can include at clinically effective doses, which are the exact amounts shown to be safe and effective in scientific studies.
It makes our job harder, and we don’t make nearly as much profit per bottle as our competitors, but it means our products represent a standard by which all others can be judged. And that matters a lot to us.

Zillion-Ingredient Supplements Are A Scam.
An easy way to make a supplement look impressive is to stuff with a snootful of ingredients.I mean, if it has 47 different substances, a lot of thought must have went into it and it must do something, right?Wrong.

First, any supplement manufacturer can provide you with cookie-cutter formulations that look and sound magnificent to the average consumer.
They’re not.
Second, remember that most ingredients found in most supplements don’t have any scientifically validated benefits, and those that do are usually underdosed to the point of irrelevance. That’s why products can contain so many individual ingredients.
When you stick to ingredients backed by legitimate science and proper, clinically effective doses, though, your formulations look a lot different.
Namely, they contain fewer ingredients but much larger doses, and the result is products that actually work.
Customer Verified Value, Delivered Direct To You.

We run our supply chain vertically and manufacture our products honestly. We cut out the middlemen to make great products and sell them at a fair price.